Welcome to DiaDorn! We want to ensure that your shopping experience with us is as easy and convenient as possible. Here you will find all the information regarding the shipping and payment of your orders.
Orders received by 1:00 PM (local time) will be shipped the same day.
Shipping Costs to Europe:
We offer you convenient and reliable delivery throughout Europe. Shipping costs for your order within Europe may vary depending on the country and the weight of your items. You can always find this information on the product you desire and in the shopping cart.
Optional express shipping to Germany, Austria, and France:
For our customers in Germany, Austria, and France, we offer fast and reliable express shipping. With our express shipping, you will receive your order especially quickly.
Delivery times to your delivery country:
Delivery times for your orders vary depending on the product and your delivery country. You can find the exact delivery time for each product in the product description on our website. We make sure that this information is always up to date so you know exactly when to expect your order.
Freight shipping to Europe for heavy safes weighing 31 kg or more:
For our heavy safes weighing 31 kg or more, we offer specialized freight shipping in collaboration with the renowned company DACHSER. The safety and reliability of your delivery are our top priorities, which is why we rely on experienced freight forwarders specializing in the transport of heavy goods.
We offer you various convenient payment options to ensure a hassle-free shopping experience. Here are the accepted payment methods.
Accepted payment methods:
Advance payment by bank transfer
Payment by credit card
Payment by invoice (for business customers only)
Payment by instant bank transfer
Payment via Amazon Pay
Payment via Apple Pay
Payment via PayPal
Payment via iDeal
Additional payment details:
Payment by invoice is available only to authorities and businesses and must be settled within 14 days.
If you pay by credit card (without using a payment service provider), your credit card account will be charged immediately upon conclusion of the contract.
Our bank details:
Holder: DiaDorn
IBAN: DE24120400000132328600
Bank: Commerzbank
We understand how important the security and convenience of your payments are, and we strive to provide you with a smooth and secure payment experience. If you have any questions about payment or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support. We are here to help and ensure that your shopping experience with us is stress-free.
Please note that the listed shipping costs apply per item. These costs vary depending on the product and your delivery country.
Here are the current shipping costs for selected countries:
- Austria: €11.00 per item
- Belgium: €11.00 per item
- Netherlands: €11.00 per item
- Luxembourg: €11.00 per item
- Czech Republic: €11.00 per item
- Denmark: €11.00 per item
- Liechtenstein: €13.50 per item*
- France: €9.50 per item
- United Kingdom: €22.00 per item*
- Monaco: €12.00 per item
- Italy: €17.50 per item
- Poland: €17.50 per item
- Hungary: €17.50 per item
- Slovakia: €17.50 per item
- Slovenia: €17.50 per item
- Ireland: €21.00 per item
- Spain: €21.00 per item
- Portugal: €21.00 per item
- Sweden: €21.00 per item
- Bulgaria: €44.00 per item
- Bosnia: €44.00 per item
- Greece: €44.00 per item
- Iceland: €44.00 per item
- Romania: €44.00 per item
- Serbia: €44.00 per item
- Estonia: €44.00 per item
- Finland: €44.00 per item
- Croatia: €44.00 per item
- Lithuania: €44.00 per item
- Latvia: €44.00 per item
- Norway: €44.00 per item
- Switzerland: €43.25 per item*
Express shipping - Additional charges:
- Germany: €12.50 per item
- France: €14.50 per item
- Austria: €14.50 per item
Please note that these shipping costs are calculated per item. The exact costs will be shown during the checkout process, based on the number of items and your location.
If you have any questions about the shipping costs or additional adjustments per item, feel free to contact our customer support. We are here to help and ensure that your order meets your individual needs. Thank you for trusting our services.
* For shipments outside the EU, additional taxes or costs (e.g., customs duties) may apply, which are not paid or invoiced by us but must be paid directly by you to the relevant customs or tax authorities. Please inquire with the relevant authorities for details.
Please note that a surcharge of €27.60 per order is applied for deliveries to certain islands. This surcharge covers the additional shipping costs and logistical challenges associated with delivering to remote islands.
The following islands are subject to this island surcharge:.